Hydromagnesite | Thin tabular {100}. twinned on {100} |
Hydromagnesite | Thin tabular {100}. twinned on {100} |
Hydrocerussite | Bipyramidal |
Hydrocerussite | Thin tabular {0001} |
Epidote | Contact twin on {100} |
Pucherite | {210}, {001}, modified |
Pucherite | {111}, modified |
Melanovanadite | Prismatic [101] |
Wolframite | Contact twin on {100} |
Scheelite | Bipyramidal {011} |
Scheelite | Bipyramidal {112} |
Scheelite | Bipyramidal {112} |
Powellite | Tabular {001} |
Powellite | Bipyramidal {112} |
Koechlinite | Tabular {010} |
Hematite | Tabular {001} twinned on {102} |
Hematite | Tabular {001} twinned on {102} |
Arfvedsonite | Short prismatic [001] |
Pyrite | {210} {100} {111} |
Schorl | Prismatic, hemimorphic |
Gjerdingenite-Fe | Tabular, pseudo-orthorhombic |
Zunyite | Positive tetrahedron modified by negative tetrahedron and cube |
Zunyite | Positive tetrahedron modified by negative tetrahedron and cube |
Zunyite | Cube and positive tetrahedron |
Zunyite | Positive tetrahedron modified by the cube |
Zunyite | Penetration twin on [111] |
Zunyite | Penetration twin on {100} |
Zunyite | Penetration twin on [111] |
Zunyite | Positive tetrahedron modified by negative tetrahedron and cube |
Zunyite | Positive and negative tetrahedron |